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Each and every day at school matters. Of course, none of us can help being ill, but we encourage you to think carefully before deciding not to send your child to school.  It can often be difficult to know whether to send a child in when they have a mild illness, especially post-pandemic. See the document below or, these websites could help:

Call all the school office if you are ever in doubt.  We would be very happy to talk through your options with you.

We follow the Health Protection in schools and other childcare settings - guidance on infection control in schools and other childcare settings for all illness.  Some illnesses/infections require that your child is kept away from school for a fixed period of time.  Children suffering from a gastrointestinal illness, diarrhoea and/or vomiting MUST be kept off school for 48 hours after the symptoms have stopped to limit the spread of infection in school.

Supporting Pupils with Medical Needs and First Aid Policy

We will support children who have been prescribed antibiotics that need to be taken four times a day. Antibiotics prescribed for three times a day can be taken out of the school day (breakfast, after school and at bedtime).  If medication needs to be administered at school, please bring the medicine (in the original packaging with the Pharmacy label) into the office with Form Template B or complete the form in school.  

A written Individual Healthcare Plan (IHCP) is required for any child with a medical condition or illness that requires monitoring, requires long term medication e.g. epipens and inhalers, for a child who has not had childhood immunisations or a tetanus. A written Indiviaual Care Plan (ICP) is required for a child who requires support with a bowel or bladder condition.  

Staff are paediatric first aid trained to administer first aid in school.  For some accidents e.g. a bump to the head we will send a letter home.

Suncream and vaseline can be brought into school in bookbags.  It must be easy to open and use and clearly labelled with your child's name.  Your child must be able to apply themselves (at break time or lunchtime).  Suncream cannot be shared.

School Nursing TEAM
The School Nursing Team support children and young people in Buckinghamshire schools with medical, social, emotional or physical needs.
T: 01296 567833
In their first year at school (Reception year), your child will receive a health assessment from the School Nurse that includes height and weight measurements.  ​The School Nursing Team also delivers the children's Nasal Spray Flu vaccine in the Autumn Term in school.

Contact Us

Thornborough Infant School, High Street, Thornborough, Bucks, MK18 2DF
01280 812219